Saturday, 13 October 2012

The Beginning

Class 11 was one of the best years of my life. I had a fantastic birthday, I was beginning to be a writer of some sorts and every day in school turned out to be a glorious day for me. Midas touch feeling, to be precise. It was the peak, the epic zenith which I cannot replace or recreate whatever I do.

Today, 4 years later, I look back to realize the amount of clarity in my life I had before. Cozened by the enticing times of paradise, I now realize it was a paradigm of how anyone could get carried away with successes and happiness. It is now a slight pain that throbs occasionally, when small challenges are conquered, giving me the deja-vu of my golden past.

This piece of work was from such a time when I felt I was in the right track, when the blessings flowed in disguise. In abundance.

Dazzled by the splendor of the guiding light
mesmerized by the power of the unknown,
deep down a question arises. An illusion?
Or an awakening? I know not.
But now I walk,
with a new spring
in every step of my life.

Having actualised the pain
and the fruits
provided by unflinching dedication and intense effort,
I have gained clear focus.
And now I walk,
with a new spring
in every step of my life.

Physical and spiritual endurances
have been tested, far beyond tolerance
by Lust, Anger, Greed and Ego
which is why I now feel that
I walk
with a new spring
in every step of my life.

Having finally gained prescience
the obstacles lie waiting
for me to encounter them,
which I would, successfully
as I walk,
with a new spring
in every step of my life.


  1. A wonderful poem ... loved the flow in it !!!

  2. It was a very good year for you indeed.. as you seemed to have found peace.. Lovely poem.. I enjoyed reading it!

  3. The poem sends such a confident message. It is kind of a feel good read! :)
    As life surges ahead, especially at a time and age like this when there is so much of expectations, it does get a lot tougher than the class 11 and 12 days but with determination and faith intact, the obstacles will be defeated no matter how long it takes :)
    +Not Just My Allegories+

  4. Beautiful poem. Life is such a wonderful thing, it teaches us and brings such powerful emotions.


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