Friday, 1 March 2013

Im being eaten up alive!!

I have gone nuts. I cant take drugs, go high or start shooting people. So, I turned to writing this one.

I'm not on drugs, I aint sane either.
I have no satisfaction, life, contentment neither.
Walking barely, zombie-alike
I strive to make sense in this one, Intense dislike
spewing from within, for no apt reason.
For all I know, this aint the success season.
March forth I did, with all smiles and confidence
Now, my faith is shaken, my mind is barren, clean but ripe with diffidence.
I feel my soul being sucked, my youth being plucked
(Hey, wasnt I strong when I withstood the thrown filth and muck?)
by the iron clasp of laziness and procrastination.
Although it does rhyme, the solution aint drugs and (chuckles) masturbation.

Once glorious, now sullen
but it hurts a lot, the change being sudden.
Lots of work, lots of responsibility.
I was ready long ago. Now, I've lost the capability
to be patient, to be forthcoming, to be bright,
to be happy, to be busy and to always be right.
Where is my soul? Where is my authority?
Desperately wanting my old self back, who lived with sense and priority.
I write a poem , when I grow sad,
happy, ballistic and in this case, MAD.
Save my soul, I need prayers
not heartless bastards, bitches and soothsayers!


  1. Replies
    1. Haha! Damaging intensity of the poem, right?

      Hope to be fine soon.

  2. That's one killer mood and i kinda empathise with you (even at the risk of sounding corny, but dahell man!) Everything alright? Take care ;)

  3. it is very intense....enough to make us feel it for sure and wonder if all is well...hope that soon finds you...smiles.

  4. Feeling your words - both on the page and in reality. I hope some light appears at the end of your tunnel soon.

  5. Awesomely written..Hope you are fine now :).


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