Friday, 8 June 2012

Life was just as it was!

I wrote this poem when i was in Class 11, feeling very proud about this work then, although now i feel this was inexperienced work because at that time, I simply wrote what I felt. Being a Star Correspondent for a year, this poem appeared in The Times of India student edition dated Nov 11th, 2008. There was this sad feeling welling deep down inside. All my life long I made promises never fulfilling them. I was never a go-getter. The feelings reached a climax and the rest leaked out from the pen as follows:

Taken from google images
'Twas tough for him to face defeat
to face it...face to face;
'Twas tough for him to accept
that he was ordinary.
Excuses flowed from his mouth and 
promises hurled from his heart
but nothing went right at all,
life was just as it was...

Expectations high and afloat
in the minds of his parents;
hope writ large on their faces,
waited with bated breath,
to witness the best and only
the spectacular best;
but nothing went right at all,
life was just as it was....

Lazy but determined he was,
bragging on about exhibiting
the best ever fightback put up
by a spirited individual;
but all he did was brag on,
never really reaching the peak,
again, nothing went right at all,
life was just as it was...

Tears flowing down his eyes,
as he recounted this pitiable tale;
he resolved to grope hard for revenge
but harder for success as he swore
to become more serious and stable
both in his mind and heart,
hoping that it would go right after all,
life would improve as it should...

Trying hard, gathering himself
to change the course of events;
he worked well, day and night feeling
refreshed, ready and raring to go.
Boy, was he determined that he also
resolved to make these lines history:
But nothing went right at all,
life was just as it was...


  1. full of wisdom..

    As humans, it's in our nature to plan things.. both big and small.. but then nothing goes right at all..

    Absolutely brilliant and very well expressed. I'm impressed! :)

  2. life was just as it was...i would hope at times that something go right, but when they dont its best to le tit go and no get stuck on it...and sometimes no matter how much we plan, its not going to go right...

  3. sometimes life being just as it is, is what's best for all least it works this way in my experience. I enjoyed the self-reflection of this piece a lot. Thanks. Sheila

  4. Your introduction says you feel this was an inexperienced write, but that you wrote what you felt. As long as you feel it, it is a good write. And I felt your words...
    Very nicely done. Thank you for sharing!

  5. really nice. Often we are our own harshest critics. I don't really see the inexperience in here, just a really good poem. Thanks for sharing tonight


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